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Aims of HEALnz

  • To promote, encourage and support the human rights of all people impacted by trauma within the community under the concept Te Wairua O Tika where trauma is defined as any physical, psychological, emotional and sexual harm.

  • To raise awareness of the impact of trauma in the community to enhance individual and community safety.

  • To promote, encourage and support a trauma-informed approach within the community.

  • To ensure that those who provide trauma services within the community are supported and adequately resourced.

  • To mentor and support a trauma-informed workforce within the community to build capability.

  • To provide a forum through which to advocate to government and the community over human rights issues related to trauma.

  • To promote, encourage and support a trauma informed Te Whare Tapa Wha approach to healing.

  • To uphold the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi to acknowledge it as a living document.

  • To uphold the Women’s Empowerment Principles, CEDAW and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

  • To provide a forum through which community, government and iwi can discuss strategies to reduce the impact of trauma in the community, devising, co-ordinating and implementing agreed strategies and the promotion of new initiatives.

About HEALnz

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